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Home Properties Property details

68 Bonham Road

Wilton Place, 68 Bonham Road, Mid Level West
68 Bonham Road
    Price: $45,000,000 @HK$51136.0 per sqft
    Property type: Retail
    • 880 sqft

    Listing Details

      Type Commercial
      Year Est. 1998
      Sqft 880sqft
      Status No active

      Additional Details

      • Price $45,000,000
      • Property status For Sale
      • Management Fee Enquire Price
      • Car Parking Enquire Now
      • Loading Area Enquire Now
      • Transport Enquire Now
      • Property Type Retail
      • Address Wilton Place, 68 Bonham Road, Mid Level West
      • Cargo No
      • Raised Floor No
      • Listing Title 68 Bonham Road
      • Year Established 27

      Recent Transaction

      Reg. DateAddressPriceAreaUnit PriceSource
      06 May, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT E$15,800290.0sq.ft$54centaline
      01 Apr, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT B$24,550446.0sq.ft$55centaline
      08 Mar, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT E$17,500290.0sq.ft$60centaline
      01 Feb, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT D$42,0001098.0sq.ft$38rica
      01 Dec, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT C$22,300446.0sq.ft$50rica
      20 Nov, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT D$28,500573.0sq.ft$50centaline
      20 Oct, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT D$44,0001031.0sq.ft$43rica
      02 Sep, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT E$18,500290.0sq.ft$64centaline
      01 Sep, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT D$33,800573.0sq.ft$59centaline
      01 Jul, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT B$20,000446.0sq.ft$45centaline
      20 Jun, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT C$21,500446.0sq.ft$48centaline
      29 May, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT F$15,000290.0sq.ft$52centaline
      01 May, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT D$30,000573.0sq.ft$52centaline
      01 Dec, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT B$21,500446.0sq.ft$48centaline
      16 Nov, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT B$24,800446.0sq.ft$56centaline
      19 Sep, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT F$16,000290.0sq.ft$55centaline
      12 Sep, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT E$15,700290.0sq.ft$54centaline
      01 Aug, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT C$21,000446.0sq.ft$47centaline
      16 Jun, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT F$15,500290.0sq.ft$53centaline
      28 May, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT D$26,000573.0sq.ft$45centaline
      25 Dec, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT C$20,000446.0sq.ft$45centaline
      20 Nov, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT B$23,000446.0sq.ft$52centaline
      17 Sep, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT E$16,000290.0sq.ft$55centaline
      06 May, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT E$15,800290.0sq.ft$54centaline
      01 Apr, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT B$24,550446.0sq.ft$55centaline
      08 Mar, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT E$17,500290.0sq.ft$60centaline
      01 Feb, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT D$42,0001098.0sq.ft$38rica
      01 Dec, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT C$22,300446.0sq.ft$50rica
      20 Nov, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT D$28,500573.0sq.ft$50centaline
      20 Oct, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT D$44,0001031.0sq.ft$43rica
      02 Sep, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT E$18,500290.0sq.ft$64centaline
      01 Sep, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT D$33,800573.0sq.ft$59centaline
      01 Jul, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT B$20,000446.0sq.ft$45centaline
      20 Jun, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT C$21,500446.0sq.ft$48centaline
      29 May, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT F$15,000290.0sq.ft$52centaline
      01 May, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT D$30,000573.0sq.ft$52centaline
      01 Dec, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT B$21,500446.0sq.ft$48centaline
      16 Nov, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT B$24,800446.0sq.ft$56centaline
      19 Sep, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT F$16,000290.0sq.ft$55centaline
      12 Sep, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT E$15,700290.0sq.ft$54centaline
      01 Aug, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT C$21,000446.0sq.ft$47centaline
      16 Jun, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT F$15,500290.0sq.ft$53centaline
      28 May, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Upper Floor FLAT D$26,000573.0sq.ft$45centaline
      25 Dec, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT C$20,000446.0sq.ft$45centaline
      20 Nov, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Lower Floor FLAT B$23,000446.0sq.ft$52centaline
      17 Sep, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE Middle Floor FLAT E$16,000290.0sq.ft$55centaline
      Reg. DateAddressPriceAreaUnit PriceSource
      26 Apr, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 17/F FLAT C$8,000,000446.0sq.ft$17,937Land Registry
      20 Feb, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 16/F FLAT B$8,900,000446.0sq.ft$19,955Land Registry
      14 Nov, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 13/F FLAT A$10,980,000573.0sq.ft$19,162Land Registry
      17 Feb, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 8/F FLAT E$5,700,000290.0sq.ft$19,655Land Registry
      03 Nov, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT A$11,900,000573.0sq.ft$20,768Land Registry
      21 Jun, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 15/F FLAT F$6,600,000290.0sq.ft$22,759Land Registry
      16 Feb, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 20/F FLAT B$9,500,000446.0sq.ft$21,300Land Registry
      09 Dec, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 25/F FLAT E$7,600,000290.0sq.ft$26,207Land Registry
      14 Sep, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 10/F FLAT A$13,500,000573.0sq.ft$23,560Land Registry
      01 Sep, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 5/F FLAT F$6,850,000290.0sq.ft$23,621Land Registry
      20 Aug, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 30-31/F FLAT A$23,000,0001029.0sq.ft$22,352Land Registry
      30 Jul, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 26/F FLAT B$11,638,000446.0sq.ft$26,094Land Registry
      08 Jun, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT E$6,850,000290.0sq.ft$23,621Land Registry
      10 May, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 26/F FLAT C$10,600,000446.0sq.ft$23,767Land Registry
      09 Feb, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 23/F FLAT F$6,680,000290.0sq.ft$23,034Land Registry
      22 Jan, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 16/F FLAT D$12,930,000573.0sq.ft$22,565Land Registry
      21 Jan, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 21/F FLAT F$6,580,000290.0sq.ft$22,690Land Registry
      24 Nov, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 11/F FLAT A$13,180,000573.0sq.ft$23,002Land Registry
      21 Oct, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 18/F FLAT B$10,000,000446.0sq.ft$22,422Land Registry
      21 Oct, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 6/F FLAT D$11,980,000573.0sq.ft$20,908Land Registry
      21 Oct, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 11/F FLAT E$6,550,000290.0sq.ft$22,586Land Registry
      21 Oct, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT D$12,300,000573.0sq.ft$21,466Land Registry
      28 Sep, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 25/F FLAT F$7,100,000290.0sq.ft$24,483Land Registry
      08 Sep, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 13/F FLAT E$6,650,000290.0sq.ft$22,931Land Registry
      07 Sep, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 22/F FLAT F$7,000,000290.0sq.ft$24,138Land Registry
      03 Sep, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 18/F FLAT F$7,150,000290.0sq.ft$24,655Land Registry
      31 Jul, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 20/F FLAT F$7,100,000290.0sq.ft$24,483Land Registry
      27 Jul, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 28-29/F FLAT E$11,480,000477.0sq.ft$24,067Land Registry
      25 May, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 27/F FLAT C$11,200,000446.0sq.ft$25,112Land Registry
      08 May, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 13/F FLAT F$7,050,000290.0sq.ft$24,310Land Registry
      27 Nov, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 9/F FLAT F$6,500,000290.0sq.ft$22,414Land Registry
      22 Oct, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 27/F FLAT B$11,880,000446.0sq.ft$26,637Land Registry
      06 Aug, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 9/F FLAT E$7,300,000290.0sq.ft$25,172Land Registry
      01 Aug, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT B$10,200,000446.0sq.ft$22,870Land Registry
      22 Jan, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 21/F FLAT D$12,800,000573.0sq.ft$22,339Land Registry
      10 Apr, 2018WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,500,000290.0sq.ft$22,414Land Registry
      05 Mar, 2018WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,500,000290.0sq.ft$22,414Land Registry
      13 Feb, 2018WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$12,500,000573.0sq.ft$21,815Land Registry
      26 Jun, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$21,280,000984.0sq.ft$21,626Land Registry
      06 Jun, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$8,000,000446.0sq.ft$17,937Land Registry
      25 May, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,580,000290.0sq.ft$22,690Land Registry
      10 May, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,000,000446.0sq.ft$13,453Land Registry
      08 May, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$8,600,000446.0sq.ft$19,283Land Registry
      17 Mar, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$20,000,000966.0sq.ft$20,704Land Registry
      06 Jan, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$23,000,0001029.0sq.ft$22,352Land Registry
      19 Dec, 2016WILTON PLACE 9/F FLAT B$8,480,000442.0sq.ft$19,186Land Registry
      27 Oct, 2016WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$8,800,000446.0sq.ft$19,731Land Registry
      17 Oct, 2016WILTON PLACE 15/F FLAT C$8,180,000446.0sq.ft$18,341Land Registry
      14 Oct, 2016WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT E$5,550,000290.0sq.ft$19,138Land Registry
      20 Jun, 2016WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,260,000290.0sq.ft$18,138Land Registry
      25 May, 2016WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$8,250,000446.0sq.ft$18,498Land Registry
      07 Oct, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,800,000290.0sq.ft$20,000Land Registry
      12 Jun, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,650,000446.0sq.ft$17,152Land Registry
      21 May, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,538,000446.0sq.ft$16,901Land Registry
      07 May, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$9,300,000573.0sq.ft$16,230Land Registry
      26 Feb, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,660,000290.0sq.ft$19,517Land Registry
      20 Jan, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$10,380,000573.0sq.ft$18,115Land Registry
      24 Dec, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,600,000290.0sq.ft$19,310Land Registry
      24 Nov, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,500,000290.0sq.ft$18,966Land Registry
      07 Nov, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,400,000446.0sq.ft$16,592Land Registry
      20 Oct, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,820,000446.0sq.ft$17,534Land Registry
      17 Sep, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,220,000290.0sq.ft$18,000Land Registry
      01 Sep, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$9,150,000573.0sq.ft$15,969Land Registry
      18 Jul, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$10,300,000573.0sq.ft$17,976Land Registry
      17 Apr, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,120,000290.0sq.ft$17,655Land Registry
      25 Jul, 2013WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,260,000290.0sq.ft$18,138Land Registry
      15 Jul, 2013WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,120,000290.0sq.ft$17,655Land Registry
      09 Jul, 2013WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$9,000,000573.0sq.ft$15,707Land Registry
      05 Mar, 2013WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,500,000290.0sq.ft$18,966Land Registry
      30 Jul, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$16,500,0001014.0sq.ft$16,272Land Registry
      23 Jul, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,070,000446.0sq.ft$15,852Land Registry
      25 May, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$9,270,000573.0sq.ft$16,178Land Registry
      14 May, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$4,600,000290.0sq.ft$15,862Land Registry
      24 Apr, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,395,000573.0sq.ft$12,906Land Registry
      09 Mar, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,680,000442.0sq.ft$15,113Land Registry
      04 Aug, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,438,000446.0sq.ft$14,435Land Registry
      26 Apr, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,950,000290.0sq.ft$13,621Land Registry
      15 Mar, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,620,000446.0sq.ft$14,843Land Registry
      15 Mar, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$4,080,000290.0sq.ft$14,069Land Registry
      11 Feb, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,180,000446.0sq.ft$13,857Land Registry
      08 Feb, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,380,000446.0sq.ft$14,305Land Registry
      10 Jan, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,600,000573.0sq.ft$13,264Land Registry
      10 Dec, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,600,000573.0sq.ft$13,264Land Registry
      26 Nov, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,600,000446.0sq.ft$12,556Land Registry
      21 Sep, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,200,000446.0sq.ft$11,659Land Registry
      15 Sep, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,300,000290.0sq.ft$11,379Land Registry
      01 Sep, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,400,000573.0sq.ft$12,914Land Registry
      20 Aug, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,000,000290.0sq.ft$10,345Land Registry
      13 Aug, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,680,000446.0sq.ft$12,735Land Registry
      04 Aug, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,000,000446.0sq.ft$11,211Land Registry
      04 Aug, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$4,920,000446.0sq.ft$11,031Land Registry
      15 Jul, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,088,000446.0sq.ft$11,408Land Registry
      04 May, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,150,000290.0sq.ft$10,862Land Registry
      29 Apr, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,800,000573.0sq.ft$11,867Land Registry
      15 Apr, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,100,000446.0sq.ft$11,435Land Registry
      13 Apr, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$2,980,000290.0sq.ft$10,276Land Registry
      12 Apr, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$2,930,000290.0sq.ft$10,103Land Registry
      03 Mar, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,950,000573.0sq.ft$12,129Land Registry
      03 Mar, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,120,000573.0sq.ft$12,426Land Registry
      26 Feb, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,000,000290.0sq.ft$10,345Land Registry
      26 Apr, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 17/F FLAT C$8,000,000446.0sq.ft$17,937Land Registry
      20 Feb, 2024WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 16/F FLAT B$8,900,000446.0sq.ft$19,955Land Registry
      14 Nov, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 13/F FLAT A$10,980,000573.0sq.ft$19,162Land Registry
      17 Feb, 2023WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 8/F FLAT E$5,700,000290.0sq.ft$19,655Land Registry
      03 Nov, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT A$11,900,000573.0sq.ft$20,768Land Registry
      21 Jun, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 15/F FLAT F$6,600,000290.0sq.ft$22,759Land Registry
      16 Feb, 2022WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 20/F FLAT B$9,500,000446.0sq.ft$21,300Land Registry
      09 Dec, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 25/F FLAT E$7,600,000290.0sq.ft$26,207Land Registry
      14 Sep, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 10/F FLAT A$13,500,000573.0sq.ft$23,560Land Registry
      01 Sep, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 5/F FLAT F$6,850,000290.0sq.ft$23,621Land Registry
      20 Aug, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 30-31/F FLAT A$23,000,0001029.0sq.ft$22,352Land Registry
      30 Jul, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 26/F FLAT B$11,638,000446.0sq.ft$26,094Land Registry
      08 Jun, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT E$6,850,000290.0sq.ft$23,621Land Registry
      10 May, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 26/F FLAT C$10,600,000446.0sq.ft$23,767Land Registry
      09 Feb, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 23/F FLAT F$6,680,000290.0sq.ft$23,034Land Registry
      22 Jan, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 16/F FLAT D$12,930,000573.0sq.ft$22,565Land Registry
      21 Jan, 2021WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 21/F FLAT F$6,580,000290.0sq.ft$22,690Land Registry
      24 Nov, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 11/F FLAT A$13,180,000573.0sq.ft$23,002Land Registry
      21 Oct, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 18/F FLAT B$10,000,000446.0sq.ft$22,422Land Registry
      21 Oct, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 6/F FLAT D$11,980,000573.0sq.ft$20,908Land Registry
      21 Oct, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 11/F FLAT E$6,550,000290.0sq.ft$22,586Land Registry
      21 Oct, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT D$12,300,000573.0sq.ft$21,466Land Registry
      28 Sep, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 25/F FLAT F$7,100,000290.0sq.ft$24,483Land Registry
      08 Sep, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 13/F FLAT E$6,650,000290.0sq.ft$22,931Land Registry
      07 Sep, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 22/F FLAT F$7,000,000290.0sq.ft$24,138Land Registry
      03 Sep, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 18/F FLAT F$7,150,000290.0sq.ft$24,655Land Registry
      31 Jul, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 20/F FLAT F$7,100,000290.0sq.ft$24,483Land Registry
      27 Jul, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 28-29/F FLAT E$11,480,000477.0sq.ft$24,067Land Registry
      25 May, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 27/F FLAT C$11,200,000446.0sq.ft$25,112Land Registry
      08 May, 2020WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 13/F FLAT F$7,050,000290.0sq.ft$24,310Land Registry
      27 Nov, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 9/F FLAT F$6,500,000290.0sq.ft$22,414Land Registry
      22 Oct, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 27/F FLAT B$11,880,000446.0sq.ft$26,637Land Registry
      06 Aug, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 9/F FLAT E$7,300,000290.0sq.ft$25,172Land Registry
      01 Aug, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT B$10,200,000446.0sq.ft$22,870Land Registry
      22 Jan, 2019WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE 21/F FLAT D$12,800,000573.0sq.ft$22,339Land Registry
      10 Apr, 2018WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,500,000290.0sq.ft$22,414Land Registry
      05 Mar, 2018WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,500,000290.0sq.ft$22,414Land Registry
      13 Feb, 2018WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$12,500,000573.0sq.ft$21,815Land Registry
      26 Jun, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$21,280,000984.0sq.ft$21,626Land Registry
      06 Jun, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$8,000,000446.0sq.ft$17,937Land Registry
      25 May, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,580,000290.0sq.ft$22,690Land Registry
      10 May, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,000,000446.0sq.ft$13,453Land Registry
      08 May, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$8,600,000446.0sq.ft$19,283Land Registry
      17 Mar, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$20,000,000966.0sq.ft$20,704Land Registry
      06 Jan, 2017WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$23,000,0001029.0sq.ft$22,352Land Registry
      19 Dec, 2016WILTON PLACE 9/F FLAT B$8,480,000442.0sq.ft$19,186Land Registry
      27 Oct, 2016WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$8,800,000446.0sq.ft$19,731Land Registry
      17 Oct, 2016WILTON PLACE 15/F FLAT C$8,180,000446.0sq.ft$18,341Land Registry
      14 Oct, 2016WILTON PLACE 12/F FLAT E$5,550,000290.0sq.ft$19,138Land Registry
      20 Jun, 2016WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,260,000290.0sq.ft$18,138Land Registry
      25 May, 2016WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$8,250,000446.0sq.ft$18,498Land Registry
      07 Oct, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,800,000290.0sq.ft$20,000Land Registry
      12 Jun, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,650,000446.0sq.ft$17,152Land Registry
      21 May, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,538,000446.0sq.ft$16,901Land Registry
      07 May, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$9,300,000573.0sq.ft$16,230Land Registry
      26 Feb, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,660,000290.0sq.ft$19,517Land Registry
      20 Jan, 2015WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$10,380,000573.0sq.ft$18,115Land Registry
      24 Dec, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,600,000290.0sq.ft$19,310Land Registry
      24 Nov, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,500,000290.0sq.ft$18,966Land Registry
      07 Nov, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,400,000446.0sq.ft$16,592Land Registry
      20 Oct, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,820,000446.0sq.ft$17,534Land Registry
      17 Sep, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,220,000290.0sq.ft$18,000Land Registry
      01 Sep, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$9,150,000573.0sq.ft$15,969Land Registry
      18 Jul, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$10,300,000573.0sq.ft$17,976Land Registry
      17 Apr, 2014WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,120,000290.0sq.ft$17,655Land Registry
      25 Jul, 2013WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,260,000290.0sq.ft$18,138Land Registry
      15 Jul, 2013WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,120,000290.0sq.ft$17,655Land Registry
      09 Jul, 2013WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$9,000,000573.0sq.ft$15,707Land Registry
      05 Mar, 2013WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,500,000290.0sq.ft$18,966Land Registry
      30 Jul, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$16,500,0001014.0sq.ft$16,272Land Registry
      23 Jul, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,070,000446.0sq.ft$15,852Land Registry
      25 May, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$9,270,000573.0sq.ft$16,178Land Registry
      14 May, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$4,600,000290.0sq.ft$15,862Land Registry
      24 Apr, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,395,000573.0sq.ft$12,906Land Registry
      09 Mar, 2012WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,680,000442.0sq.ft$15,113Land Registry
      04 Aug, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,438,000446.0sq.ft$14,435Land Registry
      26 Apr, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,950,000290.0sq.ft$13,621Land Registry
      15 Mar, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,620,000446.0sq.ft$14,843Land Registry
      15 Mar, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$4,080,000290.0sq.ft$14,069Land Registry
      11 Feb, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,180,000446.0sq.ft$13,857Land Registry
      08 Feb, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,380,000446.0sq.ft$14,305Land Registry
      10 Jan, 2011WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,600,000573.0sq.ft$13,264Land Registry
      10 Dec, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,600,000573.0sq.ft$13,264Land Registry
      26 Nov, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,600,000446.0sq.ft$12,556Land Registry
      21 Sep, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,200,000446.0sq.ft$11,659Land Registry
      15 Sep, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,300,000290.0sq.ft$11,379Land Registry
      01 Sep, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,400,000573.0sq.ft$12,914Land Registry
      20 Aug, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,000,000290.0sq.ft$10,345Land Registry
      13 Aug, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,680,000446.0sq.ft$12,735Land Registry
      04 Aug, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,000,000446.0sq.ft$11,211Land Registry
      04 Aug, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$4,920,000446.0sq.ft$11,031Land Registry
      15 Jul, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,088,000446.0sq.ft$11,408Land Registry
      04 May, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,150,000290.0sq.ft$10,862Land Registry
      29 Apr, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,800,000573.0sq.ft$11,867Land Registry
      15 Apr, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$5,100,000446.0sq.ft$11,435Land Registry
      13 Apr, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$2,980,000290.0sq.ft$10,276Land Registry
      12 Apr, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$2,930,000290.0sq.ft$10,103Land Registry
      03 Mar, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$6,950,000573.0sq.ft$12,129Land Registry
      03 Mar, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$7,120,000573.0sq.ft$12,426Land Registry
      26 Feb, 2010WILTON PLACE WILTON PLACE$3,000,000290.0sq.ft$10,345Land Registry

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Where is 68 Bonham Road located?

      68 Bonham Road is located at Wilton Place, 68 Bonham Road, Mid Level West.

      How old is the building where 68 Bonham Road is located?

      The building was established in the year 1998.

      How large is the office space at 68 Bonham Road?

      The office space at 68 Bonham Road is 880 square feet.

      Is 68 Bonham Road available for rent or sale?

      The property is currently for Sale.

      What is the price of 68 Bonham Road and the price per square foot?

      The price is $45,000,000, and the price per square foot is $51,136.

      Offices Location

      Wilton Place, 68 Bonham Road, Mid Level West